“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. ... and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh - (Matthew 2:10, 11 4th and)It is with a profound sense of gratitude that I share this reminder of the allness of God’s care and wisdom.Each Monday afternoon, I pick my four-year-old up from school and take her to a swimming lesson. The lessons are held at an indoor pool in a local hotel. One typical Monday in October, I was getting ready to head out of the house to get her. This particular day I needed to complete several errands before arriving at school, including a quick grocery stop and a stop at the gas station. I had decided to wear a necklace that was given to me as a gift – an antique that I don’t think was worth a fortune, but it was special to me. By the time I completed the errands, picked up my daughter, and returned home after the lesson, I noticed I was no longer wearing the necklace. I hunted all over the house, tore the car apart and checked my jacket – everywhere I could think to look that was in my immediate vicinity got a thorough going-over. Obviously, I felt very disappointed, a little heartsick, and even guilty; I had noticed there might have been something wrong with the chain clasp when I put the necklace on, but I chose to ignore the little niggling voice that suggested I might want to select another necklace, or not wear one at all. Served me right, I supposed.I felt compelled to pray for a moment, but I really didn’t hold out too much hope. I thought of all the places I had gone, places where the necklace might have ended up. I searched the house again hoping I had missed it somehow, but I knew deep down inside it was a lost cause. Probably someone picked it up and kept it; it wasn’t worth that much, but it was small and delicate with a pure sapphire stone and very unique. I always received lovely compliments when I wore it.In Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures Mary Baker Eddy writes,“...he (Jesus) taught mortals the opposite of themselves, even the nature of God; and when error felt the power of Truth, the scourge and the cross awaited the great Teacher. Yet he swerved not, well knowing that to obey the divine order and trust God, saves retracing and traversing anew the path from sin to holiness.” Pg. 20:17 heThe words “retracing and traversing” kept coming to my thought. That was exactly what I was physically doing, retracing my steps in the hopes that I would stumble across the missing necklace. But I didn’t need to do this because the necklace was in fact an idea that had already been demonstrated. It had come to me already. If I was meant to find it I would, but I knew it would be demonstrated in some way and I would see what I needed to see. I was filled with such a peaceful sense of rightness and God’s loving control, that I was able to let the mad search go. Obviously, we can all guess the rest of this demonstration: the necklace DID reappear. How that came about is pretty remarkable.The very next morning, I was practicing reading the lesson with the First Reader of our branch church. About the middle of the fourth section, I kept hearing this annoying voice in my thoughts that insisted I call the front desk of the hotel. It was relentless, and I started making mental excuses for why it was absurd to call the hotel where I had taken my daughter for her lesson the previous day. I continued to ignore it, until I very clearly heard the voice of my mother. She said, quite nonchalantly, “Oh Genia, call the front desk and quit arguing. What can it hurt?” I couldn’t stand it anymore, so when the lesson was completed and the practice was done, I dialed up the front desk of the hotel. I felt like a fool, and I was completely braced to hear that sorry, no necklace had been found. Imagine my utter shock when the desk manager asked me to describe the necklace and claimed it had been turned in about 20 minutes prior right at the moment I had started hearing that pesky “voice.” Furthermore, when I picked up the necklace, a note had been left. It read, “This necklace was found at the east edge of the hotelparking lot and turned in.” It was found in a place nowhere near where I had parked the previous day. I have no explanation as to how it got there, but it doesn’t matter. The ideas of God once demonstrated, are permanent, pure and completely good.I am grateful for this reminder of the ever-presence of God, even though it seems I had to practically be hit over the head with it. I’m also grateful for the gentle loving thought that guided the person who found my necklace to turn it in when it would have been so easy to keep it.With much Love and gratitude, I wish you all a wonderful Christmas.Loving submitted, Genia Allard, December 2022_____________________________________________________________I was a young wife and mother. My husband called me from work and asked me to pray for him and his colleagues at NASA. They had run across a computer problem they were not able to solve after hours of trying, and they truly felt stuck. Of course I agreed. But this was difficult because I had been feeling very justifiably angry with him about something, and felt sure that I needed to heal myself of the anger before I could effectively pray for him. As I worked, the anger did melt right away. I thought, "Oh, good. Now I can pray about this problem at NASA." But right at that moment the phone rang. The solution had just presented itself. Problem solved. They were so thankful. Turned out, the work I started with, was the only work needed. I found this very instructive. (And in thinking about it all these years later, it makes sense to me, that as the way was cleared to free my thoughts, their thoughts were also freed.)
-Patti Lane Gmeiner
One Christmas many years ago, I was unable to travel home to spend the holiday with my family. I was in the process of renewing my UK Visa and the renewal procedure required me to submit my US passport to the Home Office, rendering me unable to leave the country. Initially, the prospect of spending Christmas without my immediate family seemed bleak. I was 25 at the time and had never spent a Christmas away from family. However, a beautiful demonstration of God’s provision unfolded harmoniously along with my gaining a far deeper reverence for the meaning of true Christmas.
Although my material outlook at the time was the sad question, “how am I to spend Christmas without my family?” I was not out of reach of God’s law and love. This demonstration was one of learning to trust more earnestly in God, Love. At the outset of praying about the situation, I was reluctantly optimistic that ‘everything
would work out OK’ (e.g., displaying “animal courage”) but my thought needed to move to a place of deep assurance that, at a fundamentally spiritual level, nothing was really wrong or needed to be improved. Through consistent prayer, I was uncovering an intact harmony, that perfection is the default condition of my life. Instead of slogging through the holiday season with a sense of lack or uncertainty, I was going to rejoice. Part of my growth experience was then in joining St. Paul in his declaration that he found “glory in tribulation”. Ultimately, I couldn’t be dissatisfied, reluctant or regretful of the divine narrative, which is always perfect harmony. I also remember studying what Mary Baker Eddy wrote about Christmas and this helped me strip away the human trappings of ritual and material symbols around the holiday season. At its core, Christmas was about Emmanuel: God with us; a universal law I could defend and love.
A couple from church with two teenage children invited me to spend Christmas with them in their home. That year, Christmas fell on a Thursday, so we met at church on Christmas Eve for the Wednesday Testimony Meeting. I remember the meeting being especially holy and beautiful, and the testimonies heartfelt and honoring of true Christmas. By that point in the demonstration, I felt so loved and accommodated by God that I wasn’t yearning for a human condition, I was simply joyful and at peace. After church, we went back to the family’s home and had a marvelous Christmas Eve dinner, followed by films, games, and laughter. Christmas Day was just as joy-filled and full of family love. I was so generously embraced by this family and I felt humbled to receive such abundant loving care, clearly an expression of Divine Love. Originally, I planned to leave the following day, Boxing Day, but we all had so much fun together that I stayed for an additional full day of more happy meals, games and conversation.
Less than a week later, on the 31st of December, I received a letter from the Home Office notifying me that my visa had been successfully renewed. Not only that, I had been granted a UK residency permit. Receiving this permit was quite an achievement and unprecedented for my case. I also received my US passport along with the letter, allowing me to travel again.
The demonstration doesn’t stop there! A couple years later, I found myself in a nearly identical situation. My UK residency permit had expired and I had to submit my passport again with the renewal application. Christmas was nearing and I wasn’t able to travel home. Again I prayed, and another family graciously included me in their festive day. That year, the holiday felt even more sacred and free from material trappings. I will forever cherish the profound peace and joy I felt waking up that Christmas morning. My benediction for the moment what Mrs. Eddy wrote so beautifully in her hymn, Blest Christmas Morn: “Truth infinite—so far above all mortal strife or cruel creed, or earth-born taint: fill us today with all Thou art—be Thou our saint, our stay, alway.”
How blessed are we to know through Christian Science the true meaning of Christmas! I am so grateful for these lessons of loving God more and trusting in His always perfect care.
-Hilary Wise
This was the “best” healing I had as a youth. It’s stayed with me all this time as an excellent example of healing.
I was working in the theater at school doing stage lighting. The teacher had us go into the main stage, where they’d started hanging lights on a pipe that would hang over the stage.
I thought he called out to raise the lights, and went to do that, with another student following to help. As I got to the fly rail where the ropes are tied off, I heard him say, no DON’T do that! I jumped up on the rail and turned to listen, but unfortunately my friend didn’t hear him, and released the brake.
The counterweights had not been changed yet, so the whole batten (pipe) of lights started rising quickly. The rope by my hands was zinging along. My first thought was, if that batten hits the top really fast, all those lights could fall off and possibly hurt someone, and be destroyed when they hit the stage - not to mention do serious damage to the stage floor!
So, I grabbed the rope with my bare hands.
At first I started to let go again, as it didn’t feel too good. But I thought, this is right to do, I need to keep something really bad from happening — and I grabbed it again, and held on tight with both hands.
After a number of seconds, the thought came to me, there are weights coming down near my head at a very fast speed. As I started to move out of the way, I realized that the rope had stopped.
At that point, my hands started burning. I ran into the scene shop and put them under running water in the sink. I can’t remember anything specific that was going through my head, but I was definitely praying! That to me meant opening my thought, and working to feel a sense of peace and oneness. I’d occasionally pull my hands out of the water, then put them back in when they started hurting again.
I think some people asked if I wanted to go get medical help, but I declined. When I was able to leave the sink briefly, I called Mom. She was about to go into a meeting, and told me to call her Practitioner. That was the first time I’d done that. I think I was having trouble not crying with my hands out of the water, but she heard enough to start praying.
After a little while more, I was able to leave the sink, and went on home, feeling better.
The next day, a friend said he’d heard what happened, and asked to see my hands. The only sign that anything had happened were a few small pink places. The following day, my hands were perfect. I was — and still am — so grateful for that wonderful demonstration of healing!
-Ellen Biemer
In March of 2022, I was just a couple days away from my Spring Break vacation when I received a text from my roommate who told me that she had tested positive for Covid-19. I had to let my employers know and was told that I had to stay at home and quarantine for 3 days.
My roommate was very concerned about us having any contact while in the house together, so we had to take turns using the kitchen. My thoughts were soon filled with fear of catching Covid by breathing the air around me and I avoided any contact with her.
Furthermore, I decided to leave early for my vacation and headed out to Texas to see my family. The next day after arriving there, I began to show symptoms of allergies which I had suffered from since my childhood. Each day I felt progressively worse and I thought that I would have to cancel the rest of my trip to Central Texas to see my sister.
That morning as I was reading the weekly lesson a thought came to me that I had been filled with fear breathing the air around me and believed that it was harming me. My next thought was that God only created that which is Good and did not create anything that would harm me, including the air that I breathe.I got up, loaded up my car and went on my way to Central Texas. As the day progressed, my symptoms faded and by the next day I was totally healed of any illness. I have not been bothered by allergies since that time.
-Sarah Maner
My daughter lives in Brooklyn, New York. My son and I made plans to spend Christmas with her in New York several months ago. I booked plane tickets for December 22. Fast forward to December 21 when winter storm Elliott made its debut. All anyone could talk about was how awful the storm would be and how travel plans would be disrupted. And, sure enough, our original flight was cancelled the night before we were to leave. I was heartbroken, but my daughter sent me an American Airlines link that allowed me to immediately change our reservations to an earlier flight. I also booked bus tickets to O'Hare as my parents were unable to drive us to the airport for the earlier flight. I did not sleep well the night of December 21. I was very anxious that my son and I would not make it to New York for Christmas. I continually held to the phrase "expect good." God is all. God is good. So, all is good. The bus trip to O'Hare was perfect. The security line at O'Hare went quickly and I had the pleasure of chatting with several of the TSA employees about their Christmas plans. Our flight took off on time and my son and I sat next to several lovely people. We experienced significant
turbulence as we descended into LaGuardia and it initially frightened me. But, I held to the fact that we live and move and have our being in God. Further, God is Life and in Him there is no death. The plane landed safely and everyone around me smiled and said "see, we are fine." I could not be more grateful to God for our wonderful travels today and our safe arrival in New York. I am very happy for the holidays.
-Brooke Joos
On Wednesday my son and I were traveling to Florida to spend 8 days with my brother and his wife. We were delayed leaving Wisconsin, Dane County Airport at 8:15 a.m. and lost our Chicago connection to Orlando. The airlines sent us to Washington, Dulles Airport and then to Orlando. We arrived at 2:10 a.m. the next day. I concentrated on Christian Science all day and stood porter at the door of thought. After my relatives picked us up and we chatted for a while, my brother mentioned how relaxed and fresh my son and I both appeared. We were happy to be in Florida for Christmas with loved ones.
-Louise Googins
The first healing I can remember in Christian science was when I stepped on something and felt a severe burning in my foot. When I looked on the floor, I saw that it was a yellow jacket and realized I had been stung. I was in a lot of pain, limped into the kitchen where the phone was, and started to dial a practitioner. When I had only one number left to finish the call, the pain suddenly disappeared. Amazed, I hung up the phone as the healing was already complete.
-Janet Chisholm
The first healing in Christian Science that I can remember was when I was around six or seven. It was a sunny winter Saturday morning and my friends and I had plans to go sledding. When I awoke I felt miserably sick - runny nose, sore throat, cough. I called for my mother, thinking that the day was going to be spent in bed feeling badly. But instead of coming in and offering sympathy or fussing over me, she said, “There’s no reason you can’t be enjoying this day in the snow!” She added some metaphysics about how God hadn’t made me sick and nothing could keep me sick. I don’t recall exactly what she said, but what made a striking impression on my was the revelation that the joy of the day couldn’t be taken. Even though my plans were very ordinary, common human pleasures, God’s love extended to even a little East Coast child’s fun in the snow. I remember having a real, “light-bulb,” moment that, of course, Love was that big and that good. In fact, what was dubious was the suggestion that God’s government didn’t or wouldn’t extend to every aspect of human experience.
It was, the first time that I can recall glimpsing the All-in-allness of God. Mortal mind’s suggestions just disappeared in the light of this omnipresent, omnipotent Love. The symptoms simply vanished and I got dressed in my snowsuit and went out into the sunshine with my sled.
Today I don’t remember anything about my runs down the sledding hill, who I was with, what we talked and laughed about, how the snow was... But I remember the sunshine, which seemed a direct expression of God’s love. And I remember that moment when I knew that it filled all space, including the space where I was.
In later years, this was one of the experiences that mortal mind couldn’t argue away as it tried to make a case against Christian Science by portraying it as out of step with the times and church by making it out to be a merely human activity, peopled by the hypocritical or deluded. The brightness of God’s love had made an unexpungeable impression that I would have to eventually reckon with.
“Glory be to God, and peace to the struggling hearts! Christ hath rolled away the stone from the door of human hope and faith, and through the revelation and demonstration of life in God, hath elevated them to possible at-one-ment with the spiritual idea of man and his divine Principle, Love.” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 45:16)
with love, Caryl
Years ago my daughter had a serious challenge and I booked a flight to travel to Washington to help her. The morning I was to leave I became so sick that I literally thought I would die. I called Carol for help and proceeded to get ready to leave. I don’t know how I got on that plane, but I found my seat and practically passed out. After about an hour I started feeling better, even a little hungry. I purchased a small food package and actually ate. By the time I landed, I was completely well.
-Nancy Jacobsen
I will share with you – what I am currently, and actively working with – this is what surfaces to thought to share in response to your request.
Just share what I am working with – because I am looking for multiple demonstrations so I work with themes primarily and not on any specific item or area I turn to God to receive messages in response to my – inquiries that I send his way daily and thru-out each day I send questions and inquiries to God he responds to me with direct messages in the form of thoughts and in the form of images and impressions – I receive them instantaneously in response and I study and research what he sends my way.
Currently, I am receiving images of – life, love, laugher – like pictures in a book or magazine that you thumb through – you see vivid pictures of people laughing, loving, living – those are the images and words that surface – images of laughter, brotherly love, care and images of life-in-action – like plants in full bloom; flowers or crops, wholesome health, such as glowing cheeks, shiny hair, sunlight bouncing off fresh flowing rivers, greenery everywhere – imagery and memories of the feel of the warm sun on a bright day, shining eyes filled with joy – I call this my sight – it is my non-human eye that focuses on images that display fulfillment, joy, wonder, serenity, calm and love – the existence of God and the Growth of representatives of God is what I look for in every direction that my non-human-eye turns and since I just saw everything I typed – it wasn’t by using a physical eye since I am in my bedroom and there is no sun since it is 10pm and I am surrounded by four walls – what I saw and typed to you, was seen with my spiritual eye, that same spiritual eye that walks and talks with God – and that eye is what I use to surface the divinity that presents itself to consciousness and directs my study and corrals my focus on what I need to work with - that is what is daily surfacing.....those images in my thought as though I am turning the pages of a book or magazine and seeing what I just saw which I typed to you – listed above.
This past week and off and on, I am working with a few specific categories
1. The four line Stanza in the Song – “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” – only four lines play over and over again in my thought – I don’t hear the other lyrics to the song play, just these four lines and I find myself humming and singing them out loud as I went about my day
Just a closer walk with Thee Grant it, Jesus, is my plea Daily walking close to Thee Let it be, dear Lord, let it be
I am also simultaneously seeing this passage in thought as well:
2. Biblical Passage Genesis 5:24 - And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took himEnoch and Enoch’s walk has been with me – a focal point with me for quite some time. So my study is centered on the Enoch-Experience.
The last part of the sentence in Number 2 - is “God took him” – I am not receiving it as a message of “death” – no not at all – I actually am more and more seeing it as a form of absorption – like the sun absorbs moisture in the air – since moisture is just a solid form of the atmosphere, it is reabsorbed when another element of the universe (the sun) changes the consistency of moisture back to air which rises again once dry and it is then reabsorbed back to the atmosphere from whence it came - ENOCH was absorbed. God ABSORBED him.
That is what I am seeing with my spiritual non-human eye/sense. And I will save for another day the very front end of these ruminations such as – “if we are absorbed, that begs for considerations on the why and how of it all.” – Right now my focus is on the absorption and if that is a true statement- but prior to even that consideration, the lens I am looking thru for this write-up is, my daily walk and how to be Enoch-like – that is what I am working on is being Enoch-like – to walk with God like Enoch.
I need my awareness to be Spirit in all-things – as much as possible. That is my singular goal.
Now, back to Enoch; prior to absorption – Enoch was already preparing himself – his daily walk was a daily advancement from one point to the next – those points being from dormant thought to awakened thought – Enoch was intentional on being one-with-God-in-the-NOW – how better to do this than to go straight to thy maker; for he will train you up how to go, he will show you creation as it was intended to be seen, the true creation of being is only shown to us by and thru God’s eyes - it is clear that the line “And Enoch Walked With God” – enunciated the fact that Enoch was intentional enough to make sure that he did not wait to translate or experience a mortal death – many believe that to see God you must first die and be in a spirit form to see or hear God – Enoch’s focus was to, see GOD while he, Enoch was in the here-and-the-now – see, walk and talk with God – regardless to form Enoch found that this should be his focus – form for Enoch was not relevant to his pursuit of the divine. His belief was that he could see, walk and talk to God right now and he pursued the presence of God and in turn was awarded with that presence. Like Jesus, when in a human form spoke directly to Moses and Elijah who were supposedly Spirit, no longer assuming a human mortal form (Matthew 17).
Actively seeking communications, interactions without fear – Jesus and Enoch did, to divine creations that were not wearing a physical form, interacting as though the recipients of their interactions were in the flesh and/or as if they too were in spirt form and not in the flesh – they interacted with spirit as though they were spirit and not flesh that is how Enoch and Jesus interacted with their recipients. There was no barrier allowed in their thought preventing either of them from interacting with the divine.
We foolishly work for demonstrations to heal, demonstrations to calm situations, demonstrations to help here there and the other when our prayer should be to Walk and Talk with God every moment, every hour so we can be guided – our thought can be guided – I have discovered in my study that the blood of the lamb is thinking – your thinking is the blood of Jesus – blood = thinking – we spill blood by pouring our thinking into wrong outlets. Upon awaking blood flows, that blood is our thinking which flows daily as soon as we awake and it – our thoughts traffic whatever crosses our path each day – protecting your thought is vital since your thoughts are your LIFE. And that is pure truth. Which I have found to be true. In one of the writings of or on Mary Baker Eddy it stated that she went back in thought to specifically root out her human history – she went back and reversed her thinking on topics that she had accepted in her past that were not God-like – Iknow I am not using the exact word choice that was used, but she, MBE, revisited her so-called human past to reverse thinking, rebuking past occurrences to remove it from her “body” since the only thing that makes up and constitutes the “body” is thought, specifically your thinking. In Retrospection, Mrs. Eddy had written: "The human history needs to be revised, and the material record expunged."2
"Stand porter at the door of thought. Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously" (page 392 – S&H).
Silver and Gold have I none, but this I can give to you, and I do so, freely – what am I working on and what demonstrations has it wrought? That is what this Christmas 2022 request was made of us; well, I decided to share how I am studying by just putting in words on this paper the actual study itself, type up the actual study I am doing and be very specific so that you can see how I am doing it. I start each day by turning to God and images surface and I inherently know that the images I research that have been given are directly from the divine and it is what I am directed to study such as that Pillar of Fire in Exodus 13:21 - that the children of Israel followed in the night that they could see from miles and miles and miles away – they knew it was God they were following. I know inherently that what I am given daily is from God to study – I don’t know if this is how Enoch walked with God but I suspect in many instances that it was, and the more he studied, the louder those deliveries became from God to Enoch where not only images surfaced but the actual voice and form of God was commonplace in Enoch’s experience.
When I study, it is all consuming, before I know it, hours and hours and hours have passed if I am not careful, as I have to remind myself to look at the time so I am not delayed to be at work for an employer or meet a deadline that is required of me that is also part of a daily man-made routine such as sleep, meals, hygiene, laundry – I have to pull myself from the study to make sure I make it to work on time or to make sure I have eaten or am getting sleep – that is the all-consuming part of the study when I follow God’s directions to do deep-dive thinking on the images or ideas he surfaces in my thought – daily – thought is life, thought is body, thought is blood - etc.
Enoch actively and was intentional on being one-with-God – IN THE NOW.
Not on his knees in prayer on Sundays or prior to bed or upon awakening and rising in the morning – Enoch spent his day – daily – walking with God – through- out the day, every day.
When we walk – upon rising we put our foot down on the floor – ten toes down to walk across the room to the bathroom and from the bathroom to the kitchen and from the kitchen back to the bedroom to dress to depart to work to drive – we are ten toes down – walking.
Imagine being ten-toes-down for every hour of the day – and walking and talking and conversing with God – what did God show Enoch? Truth God can only show “what he sees’ – that is my assumption – that Enoch actively sought the sight, sounds, smells, visions, goals, dreams that God sees, the movements that God enacts – he is imparting to Enoch.
God is going to reveal to Enoch the truth around him that he sees – how can Enoch not grow in wisdom and stature with God as his guide? How can life not be exciting seeing it thru the eyes of God.
However, Mary Baker Eddy states that ALL IS GOD – that God-is-All-in-all (Chp XV p.503, 13-14) - so how is there an Enoch, and a separate Ramona and a separate Caryl – my study is graduating towards an even deeper dive to focus on this truth; and that is for another day..........my belief more and more is that dormant thought is the culprit as it supports separation and the existence of a separate universe a faux universe – awakened thought clearly identifies that there is only ONE UNIVERSE AND ONE CREATION – God conversed with Enoch and that daily conversing converted Enoch’s perception, understanding and sight to see the one God-One-All-in-all --- aka absorption. God absorbed his awakened reflection and that awakened reflection was Enoch. Enoch did not have to go thru a death process to awaken to an awareness of a spiritual state of being – as for many years his state had actively communed, engaged and walked with and among God’s true and only form, who could and did see it clearly – Enoch could see it, taste it and touch it and because of this and his loyalty and steadfast commitment; he was ushered into the state of being absorbed. That is what I am seeing. The same as Elijah going up to heaven in a whirlwind, he too was absorbed. (2 Kings) – both Elijah and Enoch – walked with God.
Active pursuit of what it means to reflect is necessary, it is the work, the daily work that must occur.Do Not Go Gently Into that Good Night ~ Dylan Thomas
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light.The word reflection when looked up using Dictionary.com
--------------------REFLECTION, noun-the act of reflecting, as in casting back a light or heat, mirroring, or giving back or showing an image; the state of being reflected in this way.
-an image; representation; counterpart.
-a fixing of the thoughts on something; careful consideration. a thought occurring in consideration or meditation.
-an unfavorable remark or observation.
-the casting of some imputation or reproach.
Physics, Optics.1. the return of light, heat, sound, etc., after striking a surface. 2. something so reflected, as heat or especially light.Mathematics.
(in a plane) the replacement of each point on one side of a line by the point symmetrically placed on the other side of the line.
(in space) the replacement of each point on one side of a plane by the symmetric point on the other side of the plane.
Anatomy. the bending or folding back of a part upon itself.
--------------------In this respect, from the definitions listed above - I choose Anatomy, the bending or folding back of a part upon itself. Man is the Anatomy of God and God is the Anatomy of Man. God is the Anatomy of Caryl; dormant Caryl is unaware of such, however awakened Caryl can consciously manifest the anatomy of God, because Caryl is a part and parcel of the God-All-in-all that Mary Baker Eddy has identified throughout Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Enoch developed this understanding and was absorbed by it, immersion with spirit – a conscious daily developing occurring in gradations.
Every single one of us should strive to dispel human theories and dispel universally accepted theories, diagnoses and man-made-creations of a faux universe. I am focused on the truth that there is no aging, we must rage against the claim of a dying light. Do NOT LOSE SIGHT OF THY MAKER. But to focus on this truth – the focus must be on the consistency of body – body is THOUGHT – not physicality – your thinking is the very blood upon which your life depends; your thinking halts the signs and actions that support AGING – MAN DOES NOT AGE – GOD DOES NOT AGE – truth is always fresh as the morning dew – truth does not tire, deteriorate nor decay – there is no wear or tear to truth – no worn-out parts that expire – truth remains valid and always IN-THE-NOW, truth is not numbered in a chronological ascending or descending fashion; it does not fade, wither away and disappear as decades dawn.
“I have lost my Maker and my own identity? Look away then from your body, andyou will find them; let go the belief you live in matter, and you will grow as thebird that springs from the ovum; personality will be swallowed up in the boundlessLove that shadows forth man; and beauty, immortality, and blessedness, be theglorious proof of existence you recognize. This is not losing man nor robbing God,but finding yourself more blessed, as Principle than person, as God than man, asSoul than sense, and yourself and neighbor one. This science of being lessens notthe dependence of man on God, but heightens it; neither does it diminish the highobligations of man towards God, but greatly increases them; it deteriorates not inthe least from every possible perfection in God, because ascribing all to theimpersonal Life, Love, and Truth." (p. 227, Science and Health 1875, First Ed.)
My belief and study is that since the body of man is GOD......I repeat, the BODY of man is GOD – then Enoch’s walking with God, had to do with a gradation of seeing what God sees, conversing daily and gaining higher and higher levels of spiritual growth and understanding......I mean, how could he not? He had a clear and keener sense and understanding that there is absolutely no space, nor place that GOD is NOT. His daily immersion, talking and communing directly with the divine developed his spiritual sense to the point that he was ABSORBED...... distancing himself more and more from claims of humanity, mortality, theories, diagnoses, universal models of collective concepts that acknowledged, celebrated and accepted a human mortal universe; the more he walked with God the less his awareness was exposed to mortality as a reality.IF you walk and talk with God, those categories just mentioned, while in God’s presence, they immediately fall away from your conscious awareness. The same as “church” or “association” – when we are actively immersed in epiphanies that present to thought during the weekly readings and readings presented during association – our focal point is the divine and we are not in the moment experiencing a state of mortality – we are distanced from it, not even aware of taking our next breath our awareness of sound even dissipates, if it is raining outside or thundering outside, if we are in the middle of an association presentation, our every fixation is on the syllables of the association address, the manna in translation being received blocks out and tunes out everything else. If that is correct, how can Enoch not be fixated on the presence of God and the universe AS GOD created it and knows it to be.
Mary Baker Eddy writes in her textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 214), "If Enoch's perception had been confined to the evidence before his material senses, he could never have 'walked with God,' nor been guided into the demonstration of life eternal." The gradual unfoldment of the understanding of God which must have preceded his great demonstration would of necessity appear in his daily life and would be expressed in orderly and scientific methods through which the age in which he lived could best be helped. Mrs. Eddy makes it clear that he had perception above and beyond the evidences of the material senses. Thus Enoch, through his continual communion with God, must have been actively engaged in forwarding the process of civilization. (https:// journal.christianscience.com/shared/view/2h2jfyu8guw)
-Ramona Smedley